Company's Profile

“Protimax International” is a diversified trading company since 2004 in Bangladesh agro industry, poultry genetics/breed, animal & aqua feeds machinery, storage silo & grain handling, house equipment of poultry/cattle/others, manure solution/organic fertilizer, food items & commodities. (

“Protimax Nutrivet Ltd.” dealing with feed additives, feed ingredients, alternative ingredients, premixes, nutritional supplements, disinfectants & biosafety, vaccine/biological and related products with supports towards safe food production targeting SDGs 2030.

In the livestock, aqua, agricultural & food business, we are focusing on SAFE FOOD production facilitating solutions with environment friendly, innovation, sustainability, productive & profitability.

Aiming to food security, ends hunger, improved nutrition, poverty alleviation, sustainable consumption & productivity, economic GREEN growth, employment generation & empowering rural marginal producers. WE are working with targeted portfolios like- latest innovation & technology, inclusion of alternative energy, water & energy efficient production technology, bridging investments & finance, sourcing investment into diversifications – agro & food processing / retail access by the marginal producers, integration and agricultural extension.


From EX-UN SECRETARY, General Ban Ki-moon:

“We are the first generation that can end poverty and the last generation that can take steps to avoid the worst impact of climate change. Future generations will judge us harshly if we fail to uphold our moral and historical responsibilities.”


We believe in the Power of Partnership

Our strength is of our core partners.

Our goal is to exceed the expectations of every customer by offering outstanding product, quality customer service & solution, increased flexibility and greater value. Thus optimizing system functionality and improving operation efficiency. 

Our associates are distinguished by their functional and operational expertise combined with their hands-on experience, advanced technology, thereby ensuring that our customers receive the most efficient and quality goods with the most effective and professional service.

We are well connected with some very reputed multinational companies and is always also looking for opportunities to work with other international companies with advanced technology, investment, professional service and quality product that gives us a competitive edge over our competitors. 

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